Lexie DelViscio

Hi! My name is Lexie DelViscio and I am a first-year Biological Oceanography M.S. student! I arrived at URI-GSO and the Davies lab at the beginning of September after completing my B.S. in Marine Biology and minor in Data Science at the College of Charleston this past May (2024). I’m originally from Annapolis, MD, and in my free time I enjoy reading on the beach, cooking, running, watching hockey, and exploring the area!

What made you decide to go into marine science?

My passion, love, and curiosity regarding the ocean began at a young age and stemmed from playing in the tide pools of Maine and swimming on the beaches of Cape Cod every summer. As I got older I realized that I didn’t want to spend my life doing anything other than studying and exploring the ocean! I discovered in undergraduate school how much I was drawn to research, and that solidified my decision to pursue my masters in the field.

What is the focus of your research/work? What do you think is the most important takeaway from your research?

My research interests primarily revolve around investigating the relationship between benthic geology and the distribution of deep-sea cold water corals. I hope to utilize seafloor mapping and bathymetric techniques in combination with the lab’s landers to conduct my research! Having just arrived I have not entirely formulated a project yet, but I am excited to begin!

What is the coolest thing you’ve done through your work?

I snorkeled through a cave off the coast of Syracuse, Sicily to survey marine invertebrate diversity!

What is one fun fact about you?

I’ve cliff jumped in the Dominican Republic and Taormina, Sicily!

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

I would love to be able to teleport! I love to travel so it would cut down costs and be environmentally friendly!